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Online marketing: why tone of voice matters

Online marketing: why tone of voice matters

Online marketers should always use the correct tone of voice when talking to their customers. Most businesses are defined by three things: the way they look, the way they sound and the way they behave - tone of voice is a crucial part of the second of these categories.

charlie 13th January 2012
Print media copywriting: continuing to thrive

Print media copywriting: continuing to thrive

Don’t believe the hype - copywriting for newspapers and magazines is alive and well. While some journalists and marketers have long been predicting the demise of print, you only need to look at the plethora of publications on newsagent stands - not to mention the ever-strong presence of display advertising - to understand that this prediction is at best short sighted and at worst, simply incorrect. Indeed, two of the UK’s best-known newspapers, the Daily Mail and i (the condensed version of The Independent) reported an increase in sales towards the end of 2011 - despite the competition posed online. Meanwhile, tabloids as a whole performed relatively strongly over the course of the year.

charlie 11th January 2012
Copywriting for marketing

Copywriting for marketing

It’s true that the distinction between content marketing and copywriting is occasionally blurred - fortunately, though, the differences can be explained succinctly. Content marketing concerns the development of well-written copy for a marketing purpose - an organisation, for example, publishes an innovative, in-demand report that really stimulates interest. In exchange for this information, it will ask for the reader’s email address and permission to inform them about other developments in the future. Examples include white papers, blogs, viral videos and printed marketing literature.

charlie 9th January 2012
Content marketing strategy: counting the ripples

Content marketing strategy: counting the ripples

In order for content to work there has to be a strategy in place. Strategy enables marketers to measure the effects their content is having, count the ripples each element is making and refine those aspects that are most successful. Of course this doesn’t mean we, as content engineers, have to be completely rigid; a good strategy will allow for flexibility, leaving room to adapt and pursue new, innovative, uncharted avenues and reach fresh audiences.

charlie 5th January 2012
Article writing: why use a professional copywriting agency?

Article writing: why use a professional copywriting agency?

Article writing forms the core of Snack Media’s copywriting and content marketing operations. Our passion for words, breadth of knowledge and brand awareness skills allows us to consistently produce engaging, authoritative articles for clients across a range of sectors and industries. Our team of professionally-trained journalists specialises in creating and telling stories. Creative-minded and armed with content marketing expertise, our copywriters will produce sparkling articles that are guaranteed to engage with a client’s target readership and deliver a return on investment.

charlie 3rd January 2012
Google Panda update: the end of poor quality content?

Google Panda update: the end of poor quality content?

Google's Panda update signals the end of poor quality content on the web. Google is conscious of improving people’s browsing experience. In an online world where content is king, it’s become more important to boost the visibility of sites boasting better quality content, and this is the premise behind Google’s Panda update. How to survive post-Panda? In short, your website needs to boast quality, authoritative content.

charlie 6th December 2011
Copywriting tip that Magento UK e-commerce sites cannot afford to ignore

Copywriting tip that Magento UK e-commerce sites cannot afford to ignore

Copywriting for Magento e-commerce sites in the UK is vital to a sites success - and using an e-commerce copywriter can potentially be highly profitable. Many new magento sites suffer from non-descript, stale product descriptions, just a few tweaks and an injection of creativity from a copywriter can have a markedly positive effect on sales. For a smaller e-commerce portal, this could translate into thousands of pounds of extra income per year. There’s a misconception in the UK that copywriting is complicated - fortunately, though, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Some of the most effective tips can be implemented quickly and easily - and there’s one in particular that could make your e-commerce site more profitable in literally hours - a call to action.

charlie 6th December 2011