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Twitter users remember legend David Bowie

Twitter users remember legend David Bowie

On Sunday, the rock legend David Bowie passed away. The music and fashion icon...

Adrien Danjou 12th January 2016
When Snapchat has no pants

When Snapchat has no pants

To celebrate the 15th No Pants Subway Ride in the US, Snapchat unveiled a...

Adrien Danjou 11th January 2016
Snack Social Summary-Bots coming to Messenger, FIFA launches emojis on Twitter plus your weekly dose of Donald Trump

Snack Social Summary-Bots coming to Messenger, FIFA launches emojis on Twitter plus your weekly dose of Donald Trump

After a three-week absence, Snack Social Summary is back. Happy new year all! To...

Adrien Danjou 8th January 2016
10,000 characters per tweet - how did Twitter users reacted?

10,000 characters per tweet - how did Twitter users reacted?

Twitter will soon expand a tweet's 140 characters limit to 10,000, according to sources....

Adrien Danjou 6th January 2016
How social media reacted to a new Real Madrid coach

How social media reacted to a new Real Madrid coach

Yesterday, football legend Zinedine Zidane was officially appointed as the new Real Madrid manager....

Adrien Danjou 5th January 2016
A Happy New Year on Social Media!

A Happy New Year on Social Media!

As well as throughout the Christmas period, January 1 is a date that everyone...

Adrien Danjou 4th January 2016