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Twitter users remember legend David Bowie

Adrien Danjou - 12th January 2016 - 0 comments

On Sunday, the rock legend David Bowie passed away.

The music and fashion icon leaves behind him one the greatest careers ever seen.

His death prompted a sad but wonderful global reaction from Twitter users, with millions of tweets using the hashtag #DavidBowie. All of them paid tribute to the legend, creating a recap of his incredible achievements.

From the stars to the ordinary man, all love Bowie 

Sharing David Bowie’s lyrics, pictures, style, quotes… J.K Rowling and other Twitter users reminded us how Bowie was unique.

Brands and media didn’t forget either

As well as people, brands and the world of media paid tribute to the artist sharing their memories.

A global movement shared

Across the world, fans gathered, notably in Brixton where David Bowie comes from, to celebrate the legend one last time.

On social media, this movement was marked by a Snapchat story named “Celebrating Bowie”. As well as “No Pants Subway Ride” yesterday, Snapchat suprised users with the unveiling of a story dedicated to Bowie from users in London, Dublin, Melbourne, New York and Los Angeles.

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Adrien Danjou

Adrien is a French social media intern at Snack Media, and is a regular contributor to the blog. Follow him on Twitter: @Adrien_DH

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