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How to improve your networking skills

Jodie Cormack - 2nd November 2017 - 0 comments

Networking, some people love it others dislike the task but for many, if you want to succeed in business it is an activity you have to partake in and do so successfully. Networking is the process of transferring information and ideas between individuals and groups who share a common interest. These type of events are found in almost all industries. They provide the perfect setting to meet like-minded individuals with the potential to do business. If you find the exercise difficult here are a few tips on how to improve your networking skills.

Set aims and objectives

Before you go to an event set yourself some aims and objective that you are looking to achieve. Make sure these are smart. Be specific with what you’re looking to gain and that your target it measurable and attainable. Don’t focus solely on the big picture and end aim. Reaching there is a process, one which can take years, therefore by setting a realistic target which can be reached in time will only help move yourself and the business forward. Networking events can be manic and overwhelming, going into these with a clear goal will allow you to gain a greater sense of accomplishment.

Choose the correct event

Each industry holds networking events. Whether these are put on through associations or businesses, events are a great way of releasing new innovations or research to the market. One of the first things you should do when choosing an event to go to is read the description. If the criteria of the event doesn’t look like it will help you reach your end goals or deepen your understanding of your industry then question whether it is a good idea to go.

Let’s take the sports industry as an example. There are range excellent events out there all of which help you discover new insights. A few of the top events from companies and associations include; Leaders, Digital sport, London Sporting club, Betting on sports conference, networking for future leaders and the Digital innovation summit. All of these are targeting different demographics. Not only do they allow you to network with other like-minded individuals but you also get the ability to explore and learn amount new industry innovations.

Communication is key

One of the main elements of networking is communication. When speaking to other industry individuals you want your message to come across as genuine and credible. Presenting yourself in a confident manner helps to build a rapport but remember to backup all of what you are staying. When building connections substance is more important than style.

It’s important to try and get the best out the conversation at an event. Make sure you ask quality questions which are open-ended provoking a reply. The type of questions you ask should be insightful and get the other person thinking. If you don’t feel the conversation is going well, cut it short. You want to speak to others where a genuine relationship can be formed in which both sides gain as a result. As to any conversation, listening is key. Paying attention to what they are saying will allow you to respond with relevant questions and even if you can’t help them yourself you may be able to introduce them to someone else who could do.


You will most probably have spoken to a number of people and learnt a great deal. Keep information collected safely, share information with colleagues, make sure you drop people you met a line post-event. There may be immediate conversations to be had or certainly discussion that could be relevant in the future.

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