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Snack Media Trends and Insights for 2021

Robert Hand - 26th February 2021 - 0 comments

In the first installment of our new series “Trends and insights for 2021”, Arsan Aryanpour, Head of Commercial, gives us his thoughts and predictions for the year ahead.

1. The continued growth of e-Sports

The global e-Sport revenue grew to over $1 billion in 2020, which is a 16% year-on-year growth. During the Covid pandemic, 82% of global consumers either played or watched video game content. With the launch of the next-gen consoles, and with the development of connectivity through 5G, this will continue the growth of e-Sports as a sector. How this will impact publishers – mainstream sports publishers will now need to look at e-Sports as a mainstay when it comes to reporting on sports.

2. E-commerce

The shift was already happening, but Covid has just accelerated the process. What we are seeing in 2021 is the digital transformation of our high street. Just looking at recent news and ASOS acquiring Arcadia, and Boohoo acquiring Debenhams, just shows you how fast this process is actually taking place. As e-commerce grows, the need for digital space across premium publishers will also grow. Publishers have a connection and a loyalty to their users, and brands would like to leverage that moving forward to be able to grow their e-commerce and their digital channels. 

3. Data

We are already seeing the decline of cookies and third party data sources. 41% of marketers say that digital media activation will be the area most impacted due to the new data and privacy regulations. What does this mean for the industry? Publishers will need to prioritise the next six to 12 months to ensure they are storing and collecting as much first party data as possible. Brands and agencies will now need to start leveraging publishers for first party data onto any campaigns that they activate, with data-sharing also being an option, and you’ll see the continued growth in both CPMs and demand for data sources moving forward. 

Make sure to keep an eye out for the next part of this series, dropping soon!

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Robert Hand

Rob is a graphic designer for Snack Media. Follow his instagram here

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