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Snack Social Summary-360 degree live streaming on YouTube, a sectioned news feed on Facebook, and how Snapchat is teens favourite platform

Adrien Danjou - 22nd April 2016 - 0 comments

360-degree live streaming on YouTube

360-degree video is a real trend on social media and YouTube is making an important step in developing the feature by rolling out live-streamed 360-degree videos.

Used more and more by brands as well as sports organisations and artists, 360-degree video is a wonderful way to take fans closer to the action. YouTube’s contribution is their plan to live stream Coachella in 360-degrees this weekend. Watching your favourite artist live in 360-degrees, what could be better?

YouTube has also launched spatial audio to bring users an immerse experience when they’re watching 360-degree videos.

A sectioned Newsfeed on Facebook

Facebook is testing a massive change to its Newsfeed, adding news sections which are topics, such as Sports and Food, in addition to the current format.

As reported by Mashable (below), sections appear at the bottom of the screen. After tapping one of the sections, users are able to consult news articles that are related to the topic.

This update is still a work in progress and we don’t know yet when it will be rolled out. But one thing is sure, Facebook users will probably be more and more inclined to read news on the platform rather than others like Twitter. When will the social giant stop?

Two new video features on Instagram

For a couple of months, Instagram has been boosting its video service. After starting out by counting views and extending its video-length limit to 60 seconds, on Friday Instagram launched two new channels to upgrade the Explore tab so that users can see more videos easily.

The first feature, named “Videos You Might Like”, collects together videos published across the world to offer a seamless viewing experience. The second channel, called “Featured”, is a collection of videos on specific topics. Users are able to watch these channels by scrolling through the Explore tab.

Facebook is definitly aiming to transform Instagram into a leader in video. Can Instagram become the next big video platform?

insta video

Image from Instagram’s blog

Snapchat, teens’ favourite platform

According to a recent semi-annual survey of 6,500 US teens done by the bank Piper Jaffray and shared by Business Insider, Snapchat is the most the important social platform for 28% of teens.

In 2015, 33% of them considered Instagram as their most important social network, but that number had fallen to 27%.

Snapchat is certainly now the primary social network used by teens. The little ghosts just don’t stop growing. Indeed, in 2015, just 19% of teens said it was their most important social network compared to 28% this spring.

Meanwhile, Twitter continues to decline and Facebook is back in business.



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Adrien Danjou

Adrien is a French social media intern at Snack Media, and is a regular contributor to the blog. Follow him on Twitter: @Adrien_DH

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