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Social Summary-Aladdin the Musical, Twitter analytics+Funnel, and Uber’s battle in London

Sean Cook - 16th October 2015 - 0 comments

It’s time for our weekly social summary, and this week has been yet another exciting week in the magical world of social media.

It has been National Chocolate Week this week, and brands have been at the centre of everything associated with everyone’s favourite guilty pleasure. Here is our summary.

The biggest news of the week came from saucy US magazine PlayBoy, that announced they would no longer print nude pictures in their magazine. They now want to be known for “fashion and journalism.”

In West-End related news, Disney announced that Broadway hit Aladdin would be coming to London in 2016. I’m already in the queue for tickets…

Twitter Analytics announced that it’s now integrated with Funnel, which connects advertising channels with Google Analytics. Another win for lovers of wonderfully detailed statistics…

It was ruled in a high court this week that taxi-app Uber is lawful within London. Hallelujah for technology..

Two heroes of film were reunited as Toyota brought us a little bit of Back to the Future. Marty and Doc discussed their predictions for 2015..

And finally, the Snack Media office were blown away by this evolution of technology gif. How old does that make you feel!

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