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Twitter users celebrate Australia Day

Mary Varney - 27th January 2016 - 0 comments

On the 26th of every January, citizens from the Land Down Under celebrate the day when British ships arrived on the shores of their country.

Residents are able to enjoy their national holidays with various activities like music festivals, barbecues, and cricket matches.

Many Twitter users across the world have used the #AustraliaDay to celebrate the day.

The day gets started with citizenship ceremony and every festivities, tweet, and picture praising the country follow after.

Of course, Australia holds many British heritage and all over Twitter were tweets from the country.

Sports are a huge part of any culture and throughout the world, teams and players tweeted out their appreciation for the holiday.

And of course, there is always some controversy as Twitter users have also used the #InvasionDay. Many gathered around the country to raise awareness for the indigenous people of Australia.

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Mary Varney

Mary is a Senior Account Manager at Snack Media. Follow her on Twitter @varns_social

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