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Is Snapchat the Way Forward for Marketing?

Mary Varney - 31st October 2013 - 0 comments

snapchat_1Snapchat is an unusual form of social media. Unlike Twitter, Facebook and Instagram you don’t have a timeline where you can see everything you have sent and received since you signed up; you simply receive an image, usually with some sort of note attached, have a maximum of 10 seconds to look at it and take it all in and then it’s gone. If it had a tag line it would be Carpe Diem because there is no way of living in the past with it! The average age of people using Snapchat is 13-25*, much younger than any other channel, but with it constantly growing, companies have started using this innovative channel to expand their marketing campaigns.

The positives..

A younger audience generally means that you have a more dynamic and responsive audience, what every marketing campaign wants.

The negatives…

Well there are a few. It’s so quick, that anything you post will be gone within a second.

So what can you do?

Get creative. It is a proven fact that when somebody gets a taste of something they like, they will go looking for more – enter Snapchat. Giving your audience a two second clip of a video, or a flash image can only be more enticing.

The way Snapchat works always leaves you wanting more. It is perfect for companies wanting to promote one-off special deals, or competitions. More than that though it will really push your marketing team to the edge creatively – 10 seconds and then your idea is gone. Everybody likes a challenge though?

*statistic provided by Zogdigital

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Mary Varney

Mary is a Senior Account Manager at Snack Media. Follow her on Twitter @varns_social

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